Monthly update

It has been a wonderful start to the spring for Cross Culture. Over the weekend of March 15-16, we had an overnight stay at Hammarbykyrkan with a joyful confirmation group. We have 16 confirmands and leaders in total. This is a confirmation group that CCCF is involved in together with EFS Mitt Sverige and several other congregations. During last year’s camp at Svalkan in Stockholm, five young people were confirmed. This year, we are planning to have a confirmation camp at Brogården in Hälsingland, and so far, many have joined our group.

On Tuesday evenings, Ed has been teaching about the Ten Commandments and handing out papers with different Bible questions. Every Sunday before the service, we have had something called Godtalk, mainly aimed at those who are new to the faith. During the Sunday services, we have focused on prayer and prayed for each other in the congregation.

Every Saturday evening, there is a Chinese Bible study, and we have seen people accept Jesus. This spring, they have had the Alpha course, and we thank Jesus that several have come to faith. On Friday evenings, we have prayer and worship and have had many visitors. In CCCF, our worship includes both hymns, old reader songs, and more modern worship songs. We have also had several meetings for men, women, and even for families with children. The community in CC is very good.

Now, on March 23, we will have our next annual meeting, where we will go through the past year. We thank Jesus for the past year of ministry and look forward to a new one.




Annual Meeting, 2025