Why I like to sing?

My mother loved singing hymns at home. She will sing to herself as she’s working around our home, sing to us as she tucks my sister and I to bed, and as we grow older use the lyrics to encourage us when we feel down. this made me inspired to sing in my church’s children’s choir, and later in the choir of my secondary/middle school.

I cannot say that I started my journey serving in the worship ministry with the correct attitude, but God in His grace and mysterious ways has used it to bring me back to Him. When I was 14, my mentor in church encouraged me to join the worship team at the lowest point of my spiritual journey. I was slowly dropping out of church and straying away from God. God used my interest in music to entice me to step into church again. My mentor and my good sister-in-Christ used this to pull me back into the church community.

To me, serving through music is something that feeds my soul. Although it is sometimes tiring to plan for worship, and to set aside time to practice, God uses beautiful music and lyrics that He has inspired to bring out joy, praise, surrender, and love from my heart every single time during practice. It is also extremely obvious how God moves in the congregation every worship service. You can only attribute the genuine worship of the congregation as we sing together to the work of the Holy Spirit.

Zi Xin



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Noodle Night! Friday 16th of Feb