I am married to Anette and the proud father of five adult children. I was born in California where I grew up and eventually became an Executive Chef making food for lots of famous people.
One day, before our youngest daughter was born, God called me to move to Sweden and become a priest, preach the Gospel and start new worshipping communities. That was over 20 years ago.
For the past 8 years I’ve been the senior priest/pastor for Cross Culture Christian Fellowship. On any given Sunday Worship Service, you might find me helping out with the Worship Team, preaching the sermon for that day, leading one of our prayers or just enjoying the service.
It has been my pleasure to be a part of a multicultural and multigenerational community. I hope that Cross Culture will be a place where you can grow in faith, service and in the understanding of God’s calling in your life.
You can always ask questions about the sermon, the Christian faith or anything else that is on your mind. There are not stupid questions here. I am also available for confidential counseling which is protected by the laws of the Kingdom of Sweden. So if you need prayer, someone to talk to or you just want to know more about Cross Culture then feel free to ask.
We believe that our distinctive community has a unique role to contribute to the Christian community of Uppsala and we hope that you will help us in this endeavour. May you time here be a blessing to you.